Saturday, April 28, 2012

Life Is Improv So Make The Best Of It!

What happens when you take a chance and book a night and try out a new venue, and realize that it is not the right venue for most of your audience?  Well, if it was right, I think they would have shown up.  So how did I miss the mark on thsi one? This is a tricky thing, because the venue can have many of the elements of a great place to play but if missing one element (in this case location), your audience will not show up.  The other element is time of the show.  This can make or break a show as well.

Last night I played such a venue.  I made the absolute best of it and tried out a bunch of new tunes, in front of a limited but appreciative audience.  I also visited with the audience members in a more relaxed way for a greater amount of time than I normally would in a crowded place, and got to know a few people alot better.

It is all a learning experience and one always has to be flexible and ready for the ride...